INFOFEST --> Nowhere or NowHere?
It was in the 3rd semester when this incompleteness creeped into me.Reason being, the the class was against hosting Infofest.I always wanted to have Infofest as I knew that we (not talking about the entire class) can do it in an unique fashion. Something different and something really wonderfull and full of excitement. But the majority were not of the same opinion. Some people from our class really don't give a damn to think anything beyoned studies. They are really a pain in the < insert body-part of your choice>. The majority of our class have been very boring till now.
So in the long run it would be remembered as that the 2004-07 batch of MCA discontinued Infofest.The best would hence, never get a chance to proove themselves. But I guess somewhere high up there, it was not planned to happen so.The test week was going on( the only time when we make some use of our brain) and suddenly from nowhere did come up the idea to organise infofest and suddenly a group to promote it aswell.
All of a sudden the excitement was back and the time to complete the uncompletenes was here for sure.We did do our best to get people into cnfidence and are still continuing with it. The green flag has been shown and the ground work has already began, hoping to get all minds together very soon and organise a great infofest. So I feel that infofest is now-here for sure. Its no looking back anymore.